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Masseys from near the base of the climb.
Massey’s from near the base.

Grade: III, WI4

Route Length: 150m

Approach: Use the parking lot beside the railway tracks at the East end of Field, BC. Hike East along the tracks for about 20 minutes to the first or second avalanche path (both lead to the climb). The top of the climb is visible up the second avalanche path. Hike up a few more minutes to the base. Using the tracks is trespassing on CPR property, so keep a low profile and do so at your own risk!

Massey's ice climb near Field, BC
Massey’s from the road just east of Field, BC.

Route Description: The first pitch is good climbing with a number of possible lines in the WI4 range, 35m. The rest of the route is lower angle with some nice WI2 & 3 steps.

Descent: Walk off left through trees or rappel the route.

Gear: Screws.

Objective Hazards: Avalanche hazard. It doesn’t look like it in the photo, but there are some big slopes above this climb extending way up the mountain. Some years there is so much avalanche debris that it lasts all summer!

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