Fountainhead & Rad Monster

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Fountainhead & Rad Monster ice climbs in the Ghost River area.
Fountainhead on the left & Rad Monster on the right. Both are in abnormally fat condition, they are often skinny pillars.

Grade: IV, WI6

Route Length: 50m

Approach: Follow the Ghost River driving directions to Devil’s Gap. Hike up the main valley past the first Ghost Lake to the second Ghost Lake, then head Right through trees into a narrow side valley. Head up the creek bed for a long ways to a fork, then follow the left hand fork for another hour to the routes. Approach takes about 2.5 to 3 hours.

Route Description: Might as well climb both of them if you have made the effort to get in there! The difficulty depends upon how fat they are, as does the risk factor. Expect steep climbing either way.

Descent: Rappel the routes.

Gear: Screws.

Objective Hazards: The climbs could fall down when they are in skinny shape. There is rarely enough snow for much avalanche hazard, but there are lots of big slopes above the approach drainage.

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